Child returned home safely | Success Stories | Austin Kemp

Child returned home safely

A father, who was worried that his child had been taken out of school and moved over to America, got in touch with one of our solicitors for advice.

He explained to us that the child’s mother had links to a cult religion, which was based in California.

With the help of a private investigator, we worked with our client, the UK police and the International Child Abduction and Contact Unit, to trace the child and mother. Together with the police, we also sought orders for disclosure from the mother’s friends and family.

After the mother was located, she tried to delay her return to the UK at a court hearing. Acting for the father, we put forward arguments to the Los Angeles court, supporting a “soft landing” for the mother when she returned. We also confirmed that all the necessary arrangements were made, so that as soon as the mother came back to the UK, the case could be put before a High Court Judge, as a matter of urgency.

The mother’s application was dismissed by the court and she was ordered to return to the UK.

When the mother arrived back in the UK, the courts made an interim decision to give the care of the child to the father. The mother was given contact. This was supported by CAFCASS (Children and Family Courts Advisory and Support Service). It was then made into a final order.


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