ClickCease Finances On Separation | Expert Lawyers | Austin Kemp

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Financial Matters

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At Austin Kemp, we recognise that securing your finances means securing your future, which is why our family lawyers provide couples and individuals with expert legal advice around finances upon separation.

We help couples who are separating make informed decisions on the best way to legally divide their finances on separation. Experts in family and divorce law, our experienced solicitors provide legal advice on a range of financial matters including financial settlement after separation and enforcement of financial orders.

With so many important factors to consider, it’s critical to seek the right legal advice when securing your finances upon separation. Speak to a lawyer today.

How It Works

The financial matters process

We'll be by your side every step of the process.

Stage 1

Unless matters have been resolved at mediation, or unless attendance is exempt, to start the process an application is sent to a designated Family Court, along with a Court Fee, unless exempt.

Stage 2

Once the application has been issued, the court will serve the Respondent together with a notice of hearing for the First Appointment. Alternatively your solicitor can request to serve the Respondent.

Stage 3

No later than 35 days before the First Appointment, the parties exchange financial disclosure, together with supporting documentation.

Stage 4

No later than 14 days before the First Appointment, you must file your Statement of Issue, Chronology of Events and Questionnaire with the court and Respondent.

Stage 5

Prior to the First Appointment parties may attempt to agree the Case Summary, Schedule of Assets and Draft Directions that they wish the court to make. These maybe provided to the court, usually on the day of the hearing.

Stage 6

At the First Appointment the judge will order directions for the case moving forward. For example, these could include the time to answer Questionnaires or obtain an expert valuation report.

Stage 7

Parties file responses to Questionnaires, arrange any expert reports and comply with any further directions issued by the court. Parties usually put forward without prejudice proposals to try and settle the matter in preparation for the hearing.

Stage 8

Financial Dispute Resolution Hearing. The parties are encouraged to negotiate and the judge will provide an indication to aid settlement. If the parties settle, the Order will be drawn up and sealed by the court. If the matter remains unsettled then the court will give directions about what is required for a Final Hearing.

Stage 9

Final Hearing. If it is not possible to agree settlement at, or before, any of the stages above then there will be a final hearing. At the final hearing, the Court will make orders about how property, assets and income should be shared.

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Financial Matters?

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We know that getting a divorce divides your world into two. We're here to guide you through the uncertainty and emotional rollercoaster. One step at a time.

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Choose Austin Kemp and you'll get a premium service in all areas. We aren't the cheapest out there, but what we are is the best solution to help you get what you deserve.

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Industry Leading Professionals

We have A-players at every level. We employ the best of the best, and that's why our clients choose us. Because getting the right solicitor can mean your future takes a different path.

The Right Fit

We'll make sure you have a solicitor that fits your case type. If you want a certain approach to your case – we'll make sure your solicitor has the right style for you.


We know that getting a divorce divides your world into two. We're here to guide you through the uncertainty and emotional rollercoaster. One step at a time.

Talk to us now on 0333 311 0925

Financial Matters

Frequently Asked Questions

Financial Matters

How to start divorce financial proceedings?

Before you can take your case to court to commence divorce financial proceedings both you and your spouse could, in certain circumstances, have to meet with a mediator.

This independent third party is there to aid discussions between you and your spouse.

There are some situations where meeting with a mediator before commencing divorce financial proceedings at court is not obligatory, such as if there’s been domestic abuse between you and your spouse.

A good solicitor will help you prepare for the mediation by discussing with you the outcomes you would like to achieve.

An experienced solicitor will also be able to talk you through the likelihood of your case ending up in court.

If mediation doesn’t work or if it’s decided that mediation isn’t appropriate for you, you will then need to fill in a C100 form before you go to court. This form shows that you and your spouse have considered mediation.

Austin Kemp specialise in helping high net worth individuals through this process and understand the complexities international assets and investments can add to the divorce process, especially when it comes to negotiating the financial settlement when dealing with financial proceedings.

Getting the right, specialist legal advice early on can make a real difference to the outcome of your case.

Is my partner responsible for our child’s school fees?

It is important to try to discuss this with your partner before taking the matter to court. Some couples can come to an agreement between themselves on who pays the school fees or who pays what percentage of the school fees.

If you cannot come to an agreement with your partner then you can get a school fees order during your financial divorce settlement.

When a marriage breaks down and there are children involved the court’s primary consideration is their welfare and needs. If one parent is taking the majority of responsibility for the childcare then the other parent must make payments towards the upkeep of the children.

Child financial provision is usually decided by the court at the same time as the other finances are decided.

This is generally the case if the parent not taking the majority of responsibility for the childcare will probably be paying over the minimum amount of support required because they are more wealthy than the parent that is responsible for the majority of the childcare.

This is when who pays how much of the school fees will be decided.

The court will look at factors such as whether the child already goes to a private school or it was expected that they’d go to a private school.

Another factor the court could take into account is that private school is more common in England than in mainland Europe.

Alternatively, you can make an application via the Children Act.

My partner doesn’t want to pay child maintenance. Do they have to?

Both parents always have financial responsibility towards their child. When two parents separate, the money that the non-resident parent pays as child maintenance goes towards the upkeep of their child.

It is important to note that with regards to child maintenance, a child is seen as someone under the age of 16 or under the age of 19 in full-time education (not higher than A-level).

Sometimes, an application will be made by the primary carer of the children to the Child Support Agency, soon to be replaced by the Child Maintenance Service, although it is worth noting that they are unable to make an assessment if the other parent is living abroad. Going via these two agencies will mean that you get the most basic level of child support available to you as the primary carer.

Whether you use the Child Support Agency or the Child Maintenance service will depend on a number of things including how many children you have.

The Child Support Agency calculates support through the other parent’s net income whereas the Child Maintenance Service calculates using the other parent’s gross income.

It is worth noting that both of these bodies have the power to take payments directly out of income.

If the non-resident parent is a high earner (more than £104,000 per year) then the Child Support Agency has a limited role. The court can then order what to do with regards to child maintenance.

How to negotiate a financial settlement and the dangers of getting it wrong!

The process of getting a divorce can be a highly emotional experience. Sometimes, couples find it hard to talk to each other without arguing, especially when finances are discussed.

Emotionally charged discussions can make it hard for couples to reach conclusions about their financial settlement.

Asking a solicitor to negotiate on your behalf can take a great deal of stress out of the divorce proceedings. You will not have to discuss finances directly with your spouse, as your solicitors can do this for you, on your instruction.

Your solicitor is also able to offer you advice throughout every part of the negotiation process, making sure that you get the best financial settlement possible.

Sometimes, having a solicitor negotiating for you can give you that much needed distance from your spouse.

Austin Kemp has a team of solicitors who specialise in high net worth individuals and are highly skilled in negotiating on your behalf to achieve the best possible outcome for you. If a satisfactory agreement cannot be reached then we are experienced in taking your case to court and can also advise on international court proceedings, if necessary.

What do I need to think about next with regards to the financial settlement?

If you’ve decided that you want your solicitor to negotiate the financial side of your divorce on your behalf then your solicitor will ask you to gather information about your finances, known as financial disclosure.

You will probably be asked to fill out a Form E with your financial information. After this, your solicitor will exchange your financial information for your spouse’s financial information.

Once this has happened, your solicitor will give you advice and talk you through your options before you decide what you would like to aim for and what kind of settlement you wouldn’t be happy with.

Your solicitor can then start negotiations with your spouse’s solicitor until a conclusion is reached that both you and your spouse are satisfied with.

If you cannot reach a settlement then you may have to go to court or pay for a family arbitrator.

Austin Kemp specialise in negotiating on behalf of high net worth individuals, or spouses of high net worth individuals, who have assets and investments around the world.

Our experienced team are skilled in high net worth negotiations and understand how to get you the best possible outcome.

We are also able to help if you think your spouse is hiding their assets or if your spouse thinks you have more assets than you actually do.

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