How To Divorce: A Step-By-Step Guide
Going through a divorce in England? Our step-by-step guide covers everything you need to know, from filing for divorce to finalizing the settlement.

How To Divorce: A Step-By-Step Guide

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Divorce can be a daunting process, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re thinking about getting a divorce in England, this step-by-step guide will walk you through everything you need to know. From the grounds for divorce to the changes in legislation that came into effect in 2023, we cover it all.

We’ll also discuss the different options for divorce, including fault-based and no-fault options, annulment, and judicial separation. Once you’ve decided to go ahead with your divorce, we’ll take you through each step of the process and what you need to do. Finally, we’ll talk about how to sort out your finances following a divorce, so you can move on with your life with confidence.

How to divorce in England

Divorcing in England is not always easy. To make it less stressful, it’s important to have a good understanding of the process. Initially, you should understand the grounds for divorce and choose the most appropriate one. Completing all necessary paperwork is crucial as well as serving the papers to your spouse and allowing time for them to respond. If necessary, attend court hearings when disputes arise over finances or custody arrangements. Finally, obtain a decree absolute from court to finalize the process.

Grounds for divorce in 2023

Starting in April 2023 in England and Wales, couples seeking a divorce have more options under the new no-fault divorce law. Understanding the five available grounds for divorce is crucial: adultery,

unreasonable behavior, desertion, separation with consent and separation without consent. It’s important to gather evidence supporting your chosen ground(s) and seek legal advice throughout the process. If you’re considering a divorce application in England or Wales get some legal advice from a solicitor today. Don’t forget that financial settlements also need to be agreed upon during the proceedings. Remember that starting with the right paperwork is always a good idea; this includes filling out an Acknowledgement of Service form when served with divorce papers by your ex-partner.

Process of divorce in England

Filing for divorce in England requires understanding the legal reasons for it and choosing an appropriate ground. Once that’s done, complete the necessary paperwork, which includes serving papers to your spouse. Divorce proceedings involve attending court hearings if disputes arise over finances or custody arrangements. Finalize by obtaining a decree absolute from the court. During this time, consider settling finances and children’s custody arrangements. Seeking legal advice when going through a divorce process in England is critical for individuals to ensure they’re making informed decisions about their future.

Filing for divorce application

When choosing to file for a divorce application in England, it’s important to know that it can be done online or by post. To file for a divorce application by post requires payment of a court fee of £550. Ensuring that all information is accurate and complete is crucial and avoids any unnecessary delays during the proceedings. Once your application is accepted by the court with its accompanying documentation sent out to your ex-partner or spouse known as ‘the respondent’, they have eight days to respond before further steps are taken in the process leading up to receiving your final order.

Service of the application

Notifying your spouse about divorce proceedings is a formal process known as service of the application. The documents can be sent via mail or by hiring a professional process server. Ensure that your spouse receives and acknowledges them in writing, including considering alternative service methods if necessary. Properly serving your spouse is crucial since it can avoid delays, complications in the divorce process, and follow correct procedures for service of application.

Acknowledging service of the application

Confirming receipt of the divorce petition is crucial. This involves completing and returning an acknowledgement of service form within a specific timeframe. It’s essential to seek legal advice if any issues arise during this stage of divorce proceedings. Failure to acknowledge service may require alternative methods for proper receipt. Properly serving your spouse is important to avoid delays or complications in the process. Remember, always rephrase writing points, use crisp paragraphs, and ensure a smooth flow from previous discussions.

Applying for a Conditional Order

To apply for a Conditional Order in the divorce process, you need to fill out an application form and provide it to the court along with essential documents such as your marriage certificate. Once the court approves your application, it issues a Conditional Order that outlines the terms of your divorce. It’s crucial to note that this order doesn’t legally end your marriage yet; you still have one more step in the process. Seeking legal advice during this stage can be beneficial in ensuring a stress-free and smooth journey towards obtaining a final order.

Application for the Final Order

To apply for the Final Order in a divorce case in England and Wales, it’s crucial to provide accurate and complete information on the application form. Along with completing the required paperwork, providing necessary documents like marriage certificates or financial consent orders is essential. It’s important to note that the court order asks for detailed information about personal details and financial arrangements. Once approved by the court, your divorce will be legally finalized.

Receipt of the Final Order

Once granted, the Final Order enables both parties to remarry and officially ends the marriage. Processing time usually takes between 4-6 weeks. Make sure to retain a copy of this legal document as proof of your divorce. In case of any concerns with the Final Order, it can be challenged in court.

Papers needed for divorce in 2023

When filing for divorce in England or Wales in 2023, you must make sure that you have all the necessary paperwork before starting proceedings. This includes obtaining a certified copy of your marriage certificate and filling out a divorce petition form. Once this is done, serve the petition to your spouse by post or in person. When they receive it, they will need to complete an acknowledgement of service form and return it to the court. Apply for a decree nisi and then for a decree absolute – these are both court orders that finalize your divorce.

Essential documents for marriage

To file for divorce in England, you must provide your marriage certificate as proof of marriage. If your marriage took place overseas, you may need to translate the certificate into English. Along with this, you’ll have to provide financial documents like bank statements, tax returns and property deeds as well as birth certificates and custody arrangements for children (if any). Before submitting any paperwork for divorce proceedings, make sure all details are up-to-date and accurate.

Essential documents for finances

Having all necessary financial documents prepared can make in England divorce process smooth and stress-free. The preparation should include bank statements, mortgage statements, credit card bills along with proof of income and expenses such as pay stubs or utility bills. It is essential to gather information regarding joint accounts or shared assets if any exist between partners. Proper documentation with accurate information can streamline the proceedings for an equitable conclusion.

Essential documents for property

Gathering all the necessary documents related to your property is crucial when filing for a divorce in England. These documents may include mortgage statements, property deeds, and valuation reports. It’s vital to have these papers ready as they can help expedite the divorce process and ensure a fair division of assets. In case you’re unsure about which documents are needed for the proceedings, consulting with a divorce lawyer or mediator would be a good idea.

Essential documents for children

When undergoing divorce proceedings in England and Wales, it is essential to gather all required documents related to your children. These documents include birth certificates and passports as well as any custody agreements or court orders. If your child is over the age of 16, they may also need to provide a statement expressing their wishes regarding custody arrangements. Ensuring that you accurately provide all necessary information about your children can help make the divorce process stress-free and successful.

Essential documents for legal proceedings

Providing accurate and complete information about your marital finances and other relevant legal documents is crucial when filing for divorce proceedings in England or Wales. You will need to provide essential documents such as proof of identification, a copy of the marriage certificate, tax returns, and property ownership papers. Financial documents such as bank statements and legal separation agreements may also be required based on the specific circumstances of your case. Consulting with a qualified solicitor can help ensure that you have all the necessary paperwork to proceed with your divorce stress-free.

Changes in divorce legislation in 2023

From April 2023 onwards in England and Wales divorce law is set to change significantly. Couples filing for a divorce can now opt for a no-fault divorce which means they won’t have to blame each other for the breakdown of their marriage. Filing joint divorce petitions is also now possible, which should simplify and expedite the process considerably. The minimum duration for a divorce is also set to be reduced from two years to six months; thus making it less acrimonious and less stressful.

Fault-based and no-fault options

In England, there are two options for divorce: fault-based and no-fault. A fault-based divorce requires one party to prove wrongdoing by the other party, such as adultery or unreasonable behavior. No-fault divorces don’t require any fault to be proven but do have a waiting period before being granted. In a joint application, both parties must agree on the reason for the divorce. It’s always a good idea to seek legal advice when going through this stressful process to ensure fair outcomes for all involved parties.

Annulment and judicial separation

If you’re planning to dissolve your marriage in England or Wales, there are a few ways to do it. One option is annulment, declaring your marriage void on specific grounds such as bigamy or lack of consent. Another option is judicial separation that doesn’t legally end your marriage but still separates you from your partner. To file for either of these options under English divorce law requires following specific legal procedures and having a good understanding of the grounds for annulment or judicial separation.

How long does a divorce take?

The duration of a divorce in England varies, but an uncontested one can usually be finalized in 4-6 months. However, contested divorces can take significantly longer due to legal proceedings and negotiations. It is advisable to seek guidance from a solicitor who can provide accurate timelines and help navigate the process.

How solicitors help with divorce

During divorce proceedings, it’s essential to have the support and guidance of experienced solicitors who understand the divorce law. They provide legal advice that can help you make informed decisions about division of assets and child custody arrangements. You’ll also need their assistance while handling financial settlements. Solicitors also help in reducing stress by representing you in court proceedings if necessary. Overall they are an indispensable part of your journey towards a clean break.

Confidential legal advice today

For stress-free navigation through the proceedings of how to divorce UK under the new divorce law in England and Wales from April onwards, confidential legal advice is crucial. Our team of solicitors will not only guide you on filing a fault or no-fault divorce petition but also represent you in court hearings for financial settlements or child arrangements. We offer affordable services with options like sole applicant or joint application depending upon your preference and budget. Reach out to us via email for assistance without worrying about hefty court fees.

Making a financial settlement when getting divorced

It’s advisable to seek professional guidance from a solicitor or financial advisor when making a financial settlement during a divorce. Take into account all assets and debts requiring division such as pensions or investments. An appropriate division of assets should consider income, potential earnings in the future and childcare arrangements. To ensure a legally binding agreement that’s secure, it’s recommended to review the settlement with a lawyer before signing.

Making arrangements for children when getting divorced

During divorce proceedings in the UK, making arrangements for children is crucial. It is vital to prioritize their well-being and happiness by considering the legal requirements for custody and visitation. Working towards a mutually agreeable arrangement with your ex-partner while keeping effective communication can help reduce stress. Seeking guidance from a family law attorney or mediator specializing in child arrangements can also be beneficial. Remember to keep the child’s best interest in mind throughout the divorce process.

Using non-confrontational dispute resolution to get divorced

When going through a divorce in the UK, it can be beneficial to explore non-confrontational dispute resolution options like mediation, collaboration or arbitration. These methods are cost-effective and less stressful than traditional legal proceedings. It is advisable to seek guidance from a competent family law solicitor who can guide you through the process effectively. Keep in mind that prioritizing your children’s needs and well-being throughout the course of the divorce proceedings is of utmost importance.

The New Divorce Process Explained for England & Wales

Understandably how to divorce UK can seem like an overwhelming task but with the new divorce process in England and Wales now in place since April 2022 it’s more straightforward than ever. Applicants start by filling out an application form (without any need for solicitors or legal advice) followed by acknowledgement from their ex-partner. After applying for a Decree Nisi and waiting through the mandatory reflection period of 20 weeks comes applying for the Final Order which formally ends the marriage. With these steps being so stress-free it’s no wonder that many are choosing to go through this process without involving solicitors or having to deal with lengthy proceedings.

1. Start a Divorce Application

To start your divorce process in England and Wales, it is best to begin with filling out a divorce petition that details reasons for divorce and information about marriage. Within five weeks of submission, your spouse should respond by acknowledging receipt of the application. If they agree with the terms mentioned in your application, then you may apply for a conditional order that will finalize the divorce without any further issues. In case they disagree with any term or condition mentioned in your application form, you would need to attend court hearings to discuss and finalize those terms.

2. Acknowledgement of Service

After filing for divorce in England and Wales, when the Acknowledgement of Service form is received by the respondent, it confirms that they have received the divorce petition. Within seven days, they must complete and return it, or if they fail to do so within three weeks, the petitioner can apply for a ‘deemed service’ order instead. If there are any disputes about the issues raised in the divorce petition, such as child arrangements or financial claims, an Answer can be filed by the respondent to defend their position.

20-week Reflection Period

After filing for divorce in England or Wales, the couple has to go through the 20-week reflection period where they are urged to seek counseling and consider reconciliation. Once both parties agree on the divorce, they can apply for a decree nisi after this waiting period ends. Obtaining a decree nisi takes about six weeks after which there is an additional six-week wait before obtaining a decree absolute that finalizes the divorce process.

3. Application For the Conditional Order

To ensure a stress-free conditional order application process, it is crucial to include all necessary documents and information while making a joint or sole application with consent. In case of disputes, mediation or court hearings might be required. Hence including details about financial ties and arrangements for children in the paperwork could be a good idea.

4. Court Reviews Your Application

After filing for divorce in England or Wales, the court will review your application to ensure that all necessary information has been included. It’s important to understand divorce law and choose appropriate grounds for divorce. In case of any disputes during the application process, mediation or court hearings may be necessary. After obtaining a decree nisi, there is an additional waiting period of six weeks before obtaining a decree absolute and finalizing the divorce. Working with a solicitor can make this process stress-free.

5. The Courts Grants The Conditional Order

Once you have filed for divorce, it’s time to move on to the next step: applying for a conditional order without delay. The application can either be made jointly or by one party with the other’s consent. If there are no disputes at this stage of the divorce proceedings, then this process will be relatively stress-free. However, if disputes arise during this process, mediation or court hearings may be necessary to resolve them before moving forward with the application. To avoid any confusion and complications during this stage of your divorce process in Wales or England make sure that you have prepared all relevant paperwork including your acknowledgement of service form and financial settlements.

6. Application for Financial Order

It is vital to understand what applying for a financial order entails in divorce proceedings. It involves obtaining a court order to divide marital finances between parties involved. After filling out an application form and paying the court fee, you need to send it with relevant documentation such as a marriage certificate to your ex-partner or their solicitor. Seeking legal advice before making any financial claims in court is always advisable.

7. Application For Final Order

To apply for the Final Order in your divorce proceedings, ensure that you have provided all necessary documents such as your marriage certificate and acknowledgement of service form. Accurately filling out the application form is crucial before submitting it to avoid delays during court reviews. You can expect a waiting period after submission while the court examines your application. If there are any issues with your paperwork or forms submitted earlier on in the process, then this stage could be delayed further.

8. The Court Grants The Final Order

After you receive your decree nisi from the court, there’s a six-week reflection period before you can apply for a decree absolute. When you receive your decree absolute, your divorce is finalized. You can then make arrangements for dividing your assets, child custody or support issues with your ex-partner. It’s important to have legal representation during this process to ensure that everything goes smoothly. Additionally, if you’re struggling financially, you may be eligible for legal aid.

The No-Fault Divorce Process

The no-fault option for divorce in England and Wales eliminates proving fault or blame. Both parties must agree to financial settlement terms. The process takes a minimum of six months from initial filing to finalization. Legal advice ensures a stress-free process under new law effective April 2022. New steps include reflecting on conditional order received (20-week period), applying for a financial order before submitting an application for the final order, and obtaining a decree absolute. Seek legal advice to navigate domestic abuse and clean break options smoothly.

The exact steps involved with the new divorce procedure for a no-fault divorce

To initiate a new no-fault divorce process in England and Wales, file a divorce petition confirming that your marriage has irretrievably broken down. Wait for at least 20 weeks before applying for a conditional order and another six weeks before applying for the final order or decree absolute to legally end your marriage. It’s always advisable to seek legal advice throughout the process to ensure that everything is handled correctly and fairly.

Step 1

To file for a divorce in England and Wales, you must meet certain requirements such as deciding on grounds for divorce and gathering necessary documentation. Filing a petition with the court is necessary and this can either be done by yourself or with the assistance of a solicitor. It’s crucial that you serve the petition to your spouse appropriately. Seeking legal advice can be helpful throughout this process.

Step 2

The second step of the divorce process in England involves making a crucial decision on whether to handle it independently or hire a solicitor. After this, all necessary paperwork must be completed and filed with the court. Attending required hearings or mediation sessions is also vital before finalizing your divorce settlement and obtaining your decree absolute from the court. Seeking legal advice throughout this process will ensure correct handling and fairness.

Step 3

When moving forward with your divorce application in England, one of the essential steps is filing a Divorce Petition with the court. During Step 3, you must provide relevant details about your marriage, grounds for divorce, and proposed arrangements for children and finances. Your spouse will also receive a copy of the Divorce Petition from the court, which they can respond to or contest if needed. To ensure that your petition includes all necessary information while understanding your legal rights and obligations, seeking legal advice is recommended.

Step 4

During the process of how to divorce UK, it is crucial to follow Step 4 carefully. This step involves providing specific details about you, your spouse, and your marriage while filing the divorce petition. Seeking legal advice during this step ensures that all necessary information is included in the application. It helps you understand your legal rights and obligations better. You also need to pay a court fee and serve a copy of the petition to your spouse. Your ex-partner has an opportunity to respond before further divorce proceedings can continue.

Step 5

To apply for a Decree Nisi in England and Wales, you need to fill out an application form with the court. This form requires you to provide information about your marriage and reasons for divorce. After submitting the application, the court will review it and set a date for the Decree Nisi hearing. Remember that you can seek legal advice from solicitors if needed, who may also help you with paperwork and court proceedings.

Step 6

To get a Decree Nisi after applying for how to divorce UK, fill out Form D84 online or by post and provide information on marriage and divorce reasons. Your case’s hearing date is set upon receipt by the court. You may apply for a Decree Absolute after six weeks’ reflection period following the granting of a Decree Nisi. To legally end your union, this divorce law procedure is vital.

Step 7

After attending the Decree Nisi hearing when applying for a divorce in England and Wales, it’s essential to wait for six weeks and one day before submitting your application form for a Decree Absolute to legally end your marriage. Update all personal documents like passports and driving licenses once you receive the Decree Absolute. Consider obtaining a financial consent order or certificate of entitlement if applicable.

Step 8

After receiving the certificate of entitlement- Decree Absolute- updating personal documents such as passport and driving license should be your top priority. A delay in applying for decree absolute can result in the spouse applying instead. It’s important to note that financial claims are not extinguished by the decree absolute. Therefore ensure to get a clean break order or consent order in place to sever all financial ties post-divorce.

Sorting out your finances following a divorce

When going through a divorce in England, it’s important to sort out your finances to ensure a stress-free transition into post-divorce life. Seek legal advice from a solicitor who specializes in divorce law in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. The first thing you need to do is file for a divorce application with the court and pay an application fee of £550 (as of April 2021). After receiving the acknowledgement of service form, apply for a conditional order then wait for at least 20 weeks before applying for the final order or decree absolute. Consider making arrangements for children when getting divorced by applying for child arrangements orders or consent orders. Remember to update personal documents after receiving the decree absolute and consider making a financial claim if required.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the legal requirements for getting a divorce in England?

To get a divorce in England, you need to have been married for at least one year and provide valid grounds for divorce, such as adultery or unreasonable behavior. After filing a petition and serving it on your spouse, the court will issue a decree nisi. A waiting period of six weeks is then observed before the decree absolute finalizes the divorce.

What are the different grounds for divorce in England?

There are five grounds for divorce in England: adultery, unreasonable behavior (including abuse and addiction), desertion, two years separation with consent, and five years separation without consent. Adultery is defined as sexual intercourse outside of the marriage, while unreasonable behavior encompasses various issues. Desertion involves your spouse leaving you without consent for two years.

How long does the divorce process typically take in England?

The average duration for a divorce process in England is 4-6 months, although complications may prolong it. The process involves filing a petition, serving it to your spouse, and attending court hearings. Legal advice from a solicitor is recommended before initiating the divorce process.

What are some potential complications or challenges that can arise during a divorce in England?

Divorces in England can be emotionally and legally complex, with potential challenges including disputes over child custody, property division, and finances. These can be exacerbated by uncooperative parties. Legal advice is important to navigate the process effectively.

What are the legal requirements for getting a divorce in England?

To initiate divorce proceedings in England, one of the spouses must have resided in the country for at least a year and provide a valid reason such as adultery, unreasonable behavior, or separation for two years. After filing a divorce petition, the court will issue a decree nisi, followed by a decree absolute to finalize the divorce.

How long does the divorce process typically take in England?

The divorce process in England usually takes around 4 to 6 months, but various factors like disputes or complexity may extend the time. If there are no disagreements, the process may be faster. Legal advice is essential for ensuring a hassle-free and efficient divorce process.

What are the potential costs associated with getting a divorce in England?

The cost of a divorce in England varies based on whether it’s contested or uncontested. The average fee for an uncontested divorce ranges between £550 to £1,500. However, legal fees and court costs can significantly raise the cost of a contested divorce. It’s essential to budget appropriately and seek legal advice beforehand.

What are some alternatives to divorce that couples may consider?

Aside from divorce, couples may opt for legal separation, mediation, collaborative divorce or counseling. Legal separation allows for separate living arrangements and asset division without ending the marriage. Mediation involves a neutral third party to help reach an agreement. Collaborative divorce has each partner represented by their own lawyer and working towards an agreement outside of court. Counseling can also help resolve issues and save the marriage.


Divorce can be a complicated and emotional process, but with the right guidance, it can be made easier. Understanding the grounds for divorce, the process of obtaining a divorce, and the paperwork required is essential to ensure that your divorce is handled smoothly. With changes in divorce legislation on the horizon, it’s important to keep up to date with any new developments. Whether you opt for fault-based or no-fault divorce, annulment or judicial separation, sorting out your finances following a divorce can also be a complex process. If you need assistance with your divorce or have any questions about the process, get in touch with our team today for expert advice and support.


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