How To Apply For A Final Order In Divorce Proceedings | Divorce Lawyers & Family Law Solicitors Austin Kemp

How To Apply For A Final Order In Divorce Proceedings

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Going through a divorce is a stressful and often complicated process. Understanding the legal requirements put forth by the UK is an important step in moving forward in your life. In this article, we will walk you through the steps of how to apply for a final order in divorce proceedings in the UK. Learn more about filing types, documents that are needed and any other relevant information you should know before applying for a final order.


When a couple decides to divorce, they must go through the process of applying for a final order from the court. This process can be complex and time-consuming, but it is important to ensure that all the paperwork is completed correctly in order to avoid any delays in the proceedings.

The first step in applying for a final order is to file a divorce application with the court. This application must include all the necessary information about the divorcing parties, such as their full names, addresses, and contact details. It must also state the grounds on which the divorce is being sought. Once this application has been filed, the court will issue a notice of hearing to both parties.

At the hearing, both parties will have an opportunity to present their case to the judge. They will need to provide evidence to support their claims, and witnesses may be called to testify on their behalf. After considering all of the evidence, the judge will make a decision on whether or not to grant a final order.

If the judge grants a final order, this means that the divorce is now legally binding and cannot be reversed. The couple will need to sign this document and have it witnessed in order to make it official. Once this has been done, they are free to move on with their lives and start planning for their future without each other.

What is a Final Order of Divorce?

A final order of divorce is the last step in the divorce process. Once the court grants a final order of divorce, the marriage is legally ended and both parties are free to remarry. To apply for a final order of divorce, you must first file a petition with the court. The petition must be served on your spouse, who then has 21 days to file a response. If your spouse does not respond, you can file a motion for default judgment. Once the court grants a default judgment, you will be able to proceed with your divorce without your spouse’s participation.

The Process

When you have reached an agreement with your spouse about the terms of your divorce, you can apply for a final order from the court. This is also sometimes called a ‘decree absolute’.

The process for applying for a final order depends on whether you used the simplified or ordinary procedure to start your divorce.

If you used the simplified procedure, you must have been married for less than two years and both agree to the divorce. You must also have no children under 18, and not be pregnant. You can find more information about the simplified procedure on GOV.UK.

Applying for a Final Order in Divorce Proceedings

It is common for couples to want to finalize their divorce as soon as possible. In the UK, the process for applying for a final order in divorce proceedings is outlined in the Family Law Rules.

The first step is to file an application with the court. The application must include a notice of family claim, which includes information about the marriage and the grounds for divorce. It must also be served on the other spouse.

The next step is to file a financial statement. This document provides information about each spouse’s income, assets, and liabilities.

Once these documents have been filed, the court will set a date for a hearing. At the hearing, both spouses will have an opportunity to present their case and make arguments in support of their desired outcome. The court will then make a decision and issue a final order.

How long does a final order take?

It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to get a final order in divorce proceedings. The length of time it takes will depend on the complexity of your case and how busy the court is. If you and your spouse agree on all the terms of your divorce, you can usually get a final order relatively quickly. However, if there are disputed issues, it may take longer to resolve those before you can get a final order.

How do I get a copy of my final order?

If you were not represented by a lawyer in your divorce and the other party was, you can get a copy of the final order from that party’s lawyer. If both parties were represented by lawyers, each party should have a copy of the final order. If you are unable to get a copy of the final order from either of these sources, you can contact your local court to obtain a copy.


Applying for a final order in divorce proceedings can be an intimidating process, but by following the advice outlined above, you should have no trouble navigating the legal system. Be sure to gather all of necessary documents and information before filing your application, as this will make it easier for the court to understand your case and grant you a fair ruling. Remember that while every case is different, understanding how to apply for a final order in divorce proceedings can help take away some of the stress associated with ending a marriage.

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